Remember the toxicity that is coming out of the body primarily leaves through the gut - it affects the microbiome, the gut plays a big role in recycling / processing of that garbage and as a result is also affected by how much it's processing, just like bristles on your broom - we need to keep them sharp, the biome has the potential to degrade the more the toxicity that comes out. This is often why dysbiosis is perpetuated, has cyclical variation, requires persistence to beat. Reaction and reactivity does not indicate inappropriateness but should signal you to, pulse, give breaks, and or increase support for the modes of dysfunction listed below.
Remember, you have the option to give breaks (1 or 2 days successively or more as needed) to let the body handle the reaction / reactivity and catch up if you feel it is getting too much. You always can consider implementing every other day approaches. Most of my suggestions include a combination of these. There is no reward for pushing through; when you tax your body too much, it expends excess energy on detoxification and inflammation. Reaction and reactivity can be expected - it is often a sign of moving in the right direction especially when starting a new intervention however there are smart ways to deal with it. Expect ups and downs but overall improvement on average as the weeks go on. The improvements are not linear, especially when we add antifungal agents; more reaction/reactivity can be expected. For instance, those that degrade biofilm typically lead to the most reactivity and sudden response from the immune system to cloaked pathogens.
Know the common support modes that require attention, support before starting microbial intervention and be aware you might need more support during gut balancing.
Oxalates - fungal issue - OCD / urination issues / grabbing privates / wetting self
Ammonia / Nitrogen - zany behavior - teeth grinding / chewing / night waking / giddy laughter episodes
Histamine - various reaction and reactivity - can often present with flushing or similar
Adrenals - bitter / mood swings whiny / dark circles under eyes / aggravations / sensitive to loud sounds
Constipation (see comments previously stated)
Stimming and reactivity - liver support is helpful here, often times pantetheine can assist with fungal aldehydes
Aggression consider Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), adrenal support, checking for constipation, cold brewed chamomile tea
Oxidative stress: Check out glutathione recycling lotion from Thiogenics, nicotinamide riboside, antioxidants
In general, Cold Brewed Chamomile Tea (4 bags brewed for 4 hours in cold water) - Very helpful for all of the above, helps with histamine, adrenal support, glucose stability, calming, and GI support. Some children have regained eye contact with this simple suggestion.
You can not expect to take 1 thing to fix your dysbiosis - you can try, but the odds are not in your favor. You need a combination of several herbs, a few probiotics geared to your situation, and prebiotics appropriate for you. At the same time don’t pin your issues on 1 item in your gut test.
The number of components required in your program can easily reach 15-25 items unless you are using a combo product, that number typically includes “supports”. This is exactly what has been designed at, Gut Guardian is a very good BASE to build off of.